The Association strives to achieve the goals and programme policies of the HAS General Assembly. Goals are realised with a wide range of tasks that are executed through the operations of HAS bodies, HAS Expert Service and HAS members. The attainment of goals is based on democratic decision-making and the principle of solidarity among members. In its operations, HAS follows the HAS rules and the legal system of the Republic of Slovenia.
The goals of the Association are:
- to uphold its status as an independent hunting and nature conservation non-governmental organisation,
- to cooperate with national authorities and organisations to enforce sustainable wildlife management in line with expert and scientific findings,
- to ensure ethical hunting,
- to provide democratic relations within the hunting organisation in decision-making,
- to provide professional training, hunting culture, hunting cynology and shooting sports in hunting,
- to ensure responsible implementation of the tasks of HAS and its members,
- to provide databases and records pertaining to hunting and membership,
- to carry out scientific research activities pertaining to hunting and nature conservation,
- to provide the unity of the Slovenian hunting organisation,
- to provide information to members and the public,
- to pursue publishing activities relating to hunting and nature conservation,
- to ensure the operations of hunting museum activities,
- to be active in international organisations pertaining to hunting and nature conservation and to cooperate with them and
- to provide mutual assistance in case of an accident.
HAS achieves goals primarily by executing the following tasks:
- organising training for hunters, game wardens and master hunters,
- managing training, raising awareness among hunters about nature conservation and communicating with landowners and the public,
- publishing books within the scope of the Goldhorn Library and other media related to hunting, game and nature conservation activities of the Association,
- ensuring the development of hunting cynology and shooting sports in hunting,
- participating in scientific research activities pertaining to game and hunting,
- issuing hunting licences,
- cooperating with national and scientific authorities in matters relating to hunting and wildlife management,
- cooperating with the Slovenia Forest Service in the preparation of expert bases determining or changing the borders of hunting management areas,
- ensuring sustainable wildlife management and cooperating in the development of hunting management areas and regional management associations,
- preparing expert opinions on the establishment or termination of state hunting reserves with the special purpose, which form an integral part of the expert basis prepared by the Slovenia Forest Service,
- participating in the preparation of expert bases for the establishment or termination of hunting grounds,
- participating in the preparation of bases for the hunting management plans for hunting management areas,
- participating in the preparation of the content of plans relating to game management and actions in game habitats and in the monitoring of the realisation of such plans,
- participating in the preparation of expert bases for the conservation and protection of wildlife and its habitat,
- participating in the establishment of the condition and in the monitoring of game population and its habitat and their harmonisation,
- participating in the monitoring of game management,
- data collection on all harvested game and its habitats (in cooperation with regional hunting ground management associations and the Slovenia Forest Service),
- participating in the preparation of expert bases for the conservation and protection of wildlife habitats,
- participating in the preparation of programmes for the professional and nature conservation training of hunters,
- cooperation or research in the field of game and hunting
- participating in the preparation of expert bases for the granting concessions for game management,
- preparing expert bases for the training of members in communication with landowners and public relations,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi strokovnih izhodišč za izvajanje ukrepov za izboljšanje življenjskih razmer vseh vrst ptic in sesalcev v skladu s predpisi s področja ohranjanja narave,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi predpisa, ki določa vrsto, moč lovskega orožja in minimalno moč izstrelkov, s katerimi je dovoljeno loviti posamezne vrste divjadi,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi predpisa, ki določa način zasledovanja ranjene ali zastreljene živali s psom krvosledcem,
- sodelovanje pri izdelavi strokovnih podlag za oblikovanje zavarovanih območij,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi programov za izobraževanje lovcev in lovskih čuvajev,
- sodelovanje z Zavodom za gozdove Slovenije pri pripravi strokovnih podlag za ugotavljanje vrednosti opravljenih biotehničnih in biomeliorativnih del ter pri pripravi normativov za izračun koncesijske dajatve,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi soglasij za posege v okolje divjadi,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi meril za posege v prostor, ki bi lahko bistveno spremenili življenjske razmere divjadi,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi strokovnih podlag za določitev posebnih začasnih ukrepov za varstvo divjadi, ki so pomembni za ohranitev populacije določene vrste divjadi,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi strokovnih podlag za določitev mirnih con, habitatov in biokoridorjev, ki so pomembni za ohranitev in razvoj populacij ogroženih vrst divjadi,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi predpisa, ki določa vrsto prostoživečih sesalcev in ptic, ki se lovijo in so divjad, ter njihove lovne dobe,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi navodil za evidentiranje odstrela in izgub divjadi ter pri sestavi komisij za oceno odstrela in izgub v lovskoupravljavskem območju,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi meril za opredelitev vrst škode ter metod in meril za ugotavljanje njihove višine,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi predpisa, ki podrobneje predpiše pogoje za opravljanje lovskega izpita,
- sodelovanje pri sestavi izpitnih komisij za lovski izpit,
- sodelovanje pri pripravi navodil za organiziranje lovskočuvajske službe v loviščih,
- imenovanje predstavnika v komisijo za opravljanje lovskočuvajskega izpita,
- sodelovanje z lovskimi organizacijami v tujini in naravovarstvenimi organizacijami,
- organiziranje Strokovne službe LZS,
- izdajanje glasila Lovec,
- skrb za oblikovanje in spoštovanje etičnih načel lova in delovanja lovske organizacije,
- vzdrževanje spletne strani LZS,
- vzdrževanje informacijskega sistema Lisjak,
- spodbujanje kulturne dejavnosti članic, predvsem s področij lovskega zborovskega petja, lovskih rogistov, leposlovja z lovsko tematiko in upodabljajočih umetnosti,
- sodelovanje s pristojnim ministrstvom glede dejavnosti lovskega muzeja v Bistri,
- zagotavljanje strokovne in organizacijske pomoči članicam,
- spodbujanje povezovanja lovskih družin v območne zveze lovskih družin/lovske zveze (ZLD/LZ),
- opravljanje drugih nalog javnega interesa s področja varstva narave, divjadi in lovstva, ki jih določa zakon,
- koordiniranje ponudb članic za potrebe lovnega turizma,
- organiziranje materialne pomoči ob nesreči člana/-ice v skladu s posebnim pravilnikom ter
- izvajanje drugih nalog v skladu s cilji LZS in sklepi občnega zbora.